Elk - Oregon Road Fire

The Salvation Army logo, in color.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army
222 E. Indiana Ave, Spokane, WA 99207

Don Simpson, Case Manager
Office: 509-325-6810
Cell: 509-389-6470

Lynna Macleod, Case Manager
Office: 509-325-6810
Cell: 509-315-7594

Case Worker Locations & Times

Country Church of Open the Bible
40015 N. Collins Rd, ELK, WA 99009
Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00 AM-3:00 PM

New Hope Resource Center
4211 E. Colbert Rd, Colbert, WA 99003
Tuesdays 9:30 AM-2:30 PM

If you were impacted by the Elk – Oregon Road Fire, we encourage you to set up a case with a case worker even if you believe you do not qualify for assistance at this time. New funding or other opportunities could become available that you are eligible for, and your case worker can make you aware of those if you have a case open.

Fire Recovery Resources

The North County Food Pantry logo in color.

New Hope Resource Center

The Elk Strong Logo in color.

Elk Strong LTRG

The Elk Strong Committee of the Spokane Region Long Term Recovery Group offers fire recovery assistance and support for Elk community members impacted by the Oregon Rd. Fire.

PHONE: (509) 903-6072
EMAIL: ElkStrongLTRG@gmail.com

Other Resources

Spokane Home Builders Association
(509) 532-4990
List of qualified contractors, asbestos remediation
information, debris cleanup information.

Spokane County Emergency Management
(509) 477-2204
Recovery resources, information on personal
identification material replacement process.

A man standing in burnt train tracks.
Landscape on fire.

Together We Are Elk Strong

You are not alone, whether you have always figured it out by yourself, built your place with blood, sweat and tears, or bought your place and perfected it, what you face is daunting. You may not know where to start, or you may have a plan laid out and are frustrated with endless red tape. You are not alone.

Each of us has a story from August 18th, 2023. Some are traumatic stories, full of fear, hurry, and loss. Others are of anxious evacuation preparations and waiting. We all felt the frustration of not knowing more. We were in it together. You saw it in the response. People at the ready with trailers, on the ground with equipment, or at home with open doors. You saw it in the relief effort. An outpouring of clothes, food, a place to stay, and meals.

In the wake of the fire, we belong to a club no one wants membership to, but that connects us to other communities, people, and resources. ElkStrong is one of those resources and we are here to help you build again. We are a group of Elk citizens under the umbrella of the Spokane Region Long Term Recovery Group. We will work to find organizations that that have money, manpower & materials to assist in Elk recovery. We know that this next step is a long process and will take endurance, patience and collaboration.

We are here to help. Together we are Elk Strong!